+1 (256)-787-3711

All-In-One Sales & Marketing Platform

We Help Local Restaurants Thrive

Improve google reviews, automate costumer engagement & manage social media effortlessly

🚀 Full High Converting Website

We effortlessly launch a website that converts more of your "website visitors" into walk-in costumers

📮 Full Transparent Conversation System

Manage all your online leads from all platforms, Facebook, Instagram, your website, google, all in one place. No need to log into all your different platforms

🧠 100 + Directory Listings

List your business of 100+ directories with 1 click including Yelp, Bing, Apple Maps, Yahoo etc. All to help rank you higher on Google PLUS customers can find you everywhere online!

💯 Boost Your Online Reviews

Never forget to ask for a review again with our auto review funnel. Elevate your restaurants reputation with more Google reviews, which helps drive more business & appear higher on the google searches.

The Difference

Agencies Vs. Our Solution

  • Lengthy contracts: 6-12 months..

  • Expensive: $2,000+/month.

  • Lead generation solution.

  • Get You More "Leads"

  • No contracts.

  • Affordable: $297/month.

  • Reviews reputation management

  • Grow your online presence

  • costumer engagement automation


Has everything Your restaurant

Needs To Succeed

1. Generate Leads & Automatically Followup

Many times sales leads fall through the cracks when the day gets hectic. Automate your lead followup & schedule SMS messages to send out periodically to interested prospects.

2. Automated Appointment & Estimate Reminders

How many times have you scheduled a phone call or sales meeting & wish either you or your clients received a reminder so that everyone shows up on time. We make that possible.

3. Manage All Social Media & Online Presence In One Place

There are thousands of online profiles, which makes it impossible to manage everything yourself. By creating an account, you can have everything managed in one location without the need of an external company.

Never Lose engagement with costumers again

Automatically Nurture Costumers into regulars


Our Multi-channel follow up campaigns allow you to automate engaging follow ups and capture all responses from your leads, across all channels.


KURTSO MEDIA allows you to connect with your leads through Phone, Voicemail Drops, SMS/MMS, Emails, GMB Messages, and even Facebook Messenger.

KURTSO MEDIA allows you to connect with your leads through Phone, Voicemail Drops, SMS/MMS, Emails, GMB Messages, and even Facebook Messenger.


Our full featured mobile app allows you to communicate with your leads on all devices.

Fully Automated Reservations

Automatically book costumers and on your calendar without lifting a finger.


Create text conversations with the goal of placing booked appointments on calendars WITHOUT any human interaction if you so choose.


Use our campaign builder to customize the messaging.


KURTSO MEDIA allows you to leverage AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Machine Learning to manage the conversation.


what local restaurant owners are saying

“As a long-time colleague of Adrian, I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing their exceptional growth in the digital marketing field. Adrian possesses a rare combination of creativity and analytical skills that make them stand out. They are not only
but also incredibly
efficient, consistently delivering projects ahead of deadlines without compromising on quality.”

- Hayle

“I had the opportunity to collaborate with Adrian on several complex campaigns, and I must say, their
has been nothing short of stellar. Their ability to adapt to changing market trends and leverage data-driven strategies has significantly boosted our campaign’s ROI. Adrian's dedication to their craft is truly inspiring.”

- Johnny

“Adrian is the epitome of professionalism. Their work ethic is commendable, often going the extra mile to ensure client satisfaction. As a mentor to many in our team, Adrian has fostered a culture of continuous learning and improvement, making a tangible impact on our overall performance. It’s a privilege to work alongside such a
talented individual.”

- Alejandra


Satisfaction Guaranteed

We are committed to ensuring your complete satisfaction with our services. If, for any reason, you find yourself not fully satisfied with the results we deliver, please reach out to us. We are dedicated to resolving your concerns promptly and effectively, offering solutions such as additional support, service modifications, or other measures tailored to meet your specific needs. Our goal is to ensure that your experience with us not only meets but exceeds your expectations, reinforcing our commitment to excellence in serving your business needs.

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